segunda-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2010

The Moonlight Sonata

One evening Ludwing van Beethoven and a friend were taking a walk. As they were passing through a narrow, dark street, they heard music coming from a little house.
“Hush” Beethoven said. “it is from one of my most beautiful pieces.”
Suddenly a voice said, “I cannot play anymore- it is so beauty! How I wish I could hear that piece played by someone who could do justice to it.”
Without a word, Beethoven and his friend entered the houde. It was the home of a poor shoemaker. At the piano sat a young girl.
“Pardon me,” said the great composer. “I am musician. I heard you say you wished to hear someone play the piece you have just been playing. Will you permit to play it for you?
“Thank you very much,” answered the girl, “but our piano is very old. And we have no music sheets.”
“No music sheets! How did you play, then? Asked Beethoven.
The young girl turned her face toward the great master.
Looking at her more closely, he saw that he was blind.
“I play from memory,” she said.
“where did you hear the piece that you were playning just now?
“I used to hear a lady practicing near our old home. During the summer evenings, her windows were open, and I walked to and from outside to listen to her, “ she answered.
Beethoven seated himself at the piano. The blind girl and her brother listened with raptured to the master’s playing. At last the shoemaker came near and asked, “Who are you?
Beethoven made no answer. The shoemaker repeated his questions, and master smiled. He began to play the piece which the girl hads trying to play.
The listeners held their breath. When the playing stopped, they cried, “You are the master himself! You are Beethoven!”
He rose to go, but they held him back.
“Play for us once more- only once more,” they pleaded.
He seated himself again at the piano. The brilliant moonlight was shinning into the bare little room.
“I will compose a sonata to the moonlight,” he said.
He looked thoughtfully for something at the bright skies lit up by the moon and the twinkling stars. Then his fingers moved ocer the keys of the old, worn piano. In low, sad, sweet strains, he played his new piece. Finally, pushing back his chair, and turning towards the door he said, “Farewell to you.”
He paused and looked tenderly at the face blind girl.
“Yes, I will come again an give you some lessons. Farewell! I will soon come again!”
Beethoven said to his friend, “let us hurry that I may write out that sonata while I can yet remenber it!”
That was how Ludwing van Beethoven’s famous “Moonlight sonata” was composed.

the version i knew was so much toutching, but anyway, this is the most beautifull piece of art made in a piano....

domingo, 12 de setembro de 2010

The night starts falling over us, as if the gods were letting the evil take over our souls..
I was unable to fight the shadows, they were the one who hunt us that night... we run for more than a mile, and still... we couldn't lost them...
Yes, they were persons, not in they right full mind, but still persons, it would be unhuman of me to call them a thing.
After running and hiddind, we just get tired... not tired of runnig, but tiring of runnig of what we cannot outrun, so we just stop at the biginnig of a clif, and thought about it for a while...
We decided that it wasn't worth the risk, we looked forward, and hope to be able to get to the inception.......... and then we jump.
Those 5 seconds, were the longest 5 seconds of my short life as a dream, i thank the gods now, if we didn't jump i would live to fulfil....
At the end of the day we lerned than in order to one have everything, the other must have nothing... thats no other option.
And so i walk, alone, in a world that doesn't make sence...

segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010

Ip Man, the man who stood to an army of soldiers and win, with discipline, courage, and streangth...

An example for me, from now on i'll try to be like him, a person without anger, humble, and strict with my self and my body...

I know I've said this many times in the past, but now I believe it's for real.

I'll train every day, even if only for half a hour, i'll erase all of the anger, and rage in my heart, i'll be more kind to people..... and i will only focus on 3 things, martial arts, music, and studding..... if I have time in the middle of all of this to have fun, good.... bu if not, pacience...

Ho, and i'll drink green tea all the time, just cause i think it's kind a cool... xD

So fair well my friends, i hope i'll be a better person with this way of life...

quarta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2010

Is there anything hotter than a girl with a gun?
well, only a girl with two... xD

I decided to show you all my favorite actress, and the reasons why.

At my eyes she has all the perfect inperfections, that's what make her special, she was probably my firt "TV cruch" if you know what i mean.... still is...
And not only because she's beautifull, HOT, plays the guitat, and sings.....
But because of a scene in a movie called "The Million Dolar Hotel"
where two lunatics, who live in a hotel fal in love for each other in a strange way, and the guy one day while sitting with her looks in her eyes and says this words:

"Love can never be betraid
Same way as the tree or the sea
or any other mystery

It's the eye with wich we see
It's the siner and the saint
It's the light inside the paint"

The movie is trange, but the moment when this words were said, makes's it worth it.....

If you like, see this movie, and some others like: ".45"

terça-feira, 10 de agosto de 2010

Not much to say today, i didn't sleep almost anything last night, mostly because of the nightmares that i have in nost of the nights...
Not the kind of nightmares when a monster comes and eat you alive, or rapes the flesh offyour body.... but the ones where you realise you have everything to loose, and your doing nothing to keep the things and persons you love....
i keep loosing the control of those things, when i shouldn't even be questning my self about if control is necessary, cause theses are the things that should append naturaly...
Long time passed since i could sit down with all of my friends and just listen to them talking, and than wouldn't botther me, not even a little..... but now, my head almost cracks just by earing them laughing and stuff, it's pretty weird... i just wish these feelings would pass soon...
But please, don't miss understand.... just because i can't stand some of you, i'll always be there for you all.... and when the time comes, i'll be there to save you from hem... (metaphoracly speaking) (Sorry if i punch some of you in the face with this words)

segunda-feira, 9 de agosto de 2010

Yeh, i know, pretty funny isn't it?
But realy, these are 2 of the 5 people ( one is a thing not a person lol ), that i most relate to...
Say what you must but BOTH, Jack Black and the Panda from "Kunf-fu Panda" represent almost 100% of me... only the Pand eats a little more than i do, hehe, but just a little more...
Jack, is one of the most funniest peoople in Hollyhood, he plays the guitar, he as a big abdominal muscle, e actually knows how to gave a kick in the air...
I have and do all of theses things, just like Panda, does kunf fu, i no one takes him seriosly, but as me, is not realy looking for aproval, he's just doing what he felt like doing in the moment. And that's fine.
From theses moment i'll write all of me posts here in english, not because i know more of english than portuguese, or cause i wanna show that i'm smart....... It's actually because i can express my self better,.... and ok, i admit, looks pretty cool....xD
So this was just a demo of what will be in the future....
Hope you liked it.

domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

Volta quela sensação, de quem tem uma guitarra sem cordas e quer tocar, mas não pode.
Aquela sensação de ver o holofote a apontar para um palco vazio, e ver o público de braços abertos, mas sem poder satisfaze-los.
Urrrgg... que vontade, de me exprimir, ou simplesmente, fazer algum barulho, ou musica se possivel...
Quero um concerto caralho...............
Quero faxer outro jam ao vivo, sentir akela merda a fluir nas veias, a latejar no pescoço em cada bombear... a adrenalina a correr, as emoções a serem transmitidas atravéz da guitarra...
Ver akela meia dúzia de pessoas ao saltos e pinchos, e berros, e cenas... enquanto tocamos, é tao fixe, tao bom pa alma e para o corpo... é uma mistura entre 24 horas de ginásio e 24 horas de puro relaxamento num spa.... isto tudo nos poucos minutos de uma musica multiplicadando pelo mneos por 10...
E não interessa se dos 6 que estao em baixo, 3 estão bebedos, e 2 estão drogados, é sempre bom velos la em baixo a curtir algo que somos nos que estamos a produzir, e ver aquela única pessoa que está a gostar mesmo estando lúcida... xD
Começo a ficar irritado com esta sensação e vou comexar a descarregar nos outros... desculpem, mas mais cedo ou mais tarde vou comexar aos tiros, como já o fiz antes, e o bruno kim desta vez já levou com uma balas.... mas eu a ele podia rebentá-lo todo k tava semp tudo fixe... hehe

sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

A sensação de solidão assola-me memso quando estou acompanhado, desconheço a origem, e não conheço o remédio.
Cansa-me sentir todos os dias, que o munod que vejo não é real, que de alguma forma existe algo para lá do muro... E por que é que apenas eu pareço estar ciente disso?
Custame viver com este peso nas costas, mas tenho pena de quem vive em conformidade com o que lhes é dado, tenho pena dos que se deicham estar, dos que nada fazem para mudar....
Mas acima de tudo tenho pena dos que são incapazes de amar....
Como ouvi algueres um dia: "É mil vezes melhor ter que pedir desculpas de joelhos, do que pedir permissão"... não me lembro de quem o disse, mas sabia do que estava a falar.
Neste momento o puzzle gigante que é universo, parece encaixar perfeitamente, com o pequeno problema de sobrar uma peça.
É como se fosse tudo feito para que eu apenas observe, e não participe, sou apenas um espectador num jogo de xadrez, onde as peças se movem aleatóriamente e o jogo não tem fim, e no processo muitos peões caem por terra, velados pela dor quando se apercebem de que o puzzle diminui, e por defeito vai excluindo as peças ao seu belo prazer.
Estou cansado, a vontade de intervir é muita, cada um deveria ser capaz de fazer as suas próprias escolhas, sem pensar pensar 3 jogadas a frente, em se vai ou não comer a rainha, ou fazer Chek Mate....
Some like me, fall too soon, other fall too late..... maybe one day we all fall together

domingo, 7 de março de 2010

Grave digger,
When you dig my grave,
Could you make it shallow?
So that i can feel the rain...

Frases sopostamente tristes trazem por veses consigo uma sensação de alegria imensa... que nos anestesia contra o mundo.
Estive fixe por momentos, por momentos nada importava, apenas me apetecia cantar esta quadra, muitos devem ter pensado...... fodaxe, nao se cala.
Mas sabem que mais, o que eu pensava era: Fodaxe, que se lixe, tou a curtir.... xD
Já lá vão uns largos anos em que não me sentia tao bem disposto comigo memso...
Vamos lá ver se resulta mais que uma vez.....

domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2010

Passoa maior parte da minha vida a tentar ser alguém, tentar marcar a diferença, tentar ser o melhor em algo.
Mas ao parar para pensar, vejo como não interessa ser reconhecido por algo, nem é preciso ser o melhor, basta apenas gostarmos de fazer algo.
Aprendi isso e agora em vez de trabalhar para alcançar um auge desconfortavel e sem sentido, tento apenas divertir-me enquanto me deixo levar pelo que a musica que façome faz sentir.
Sinto-me bem quando estou em cima do palco, ainda que ninguém esteja a ouvir, ou mesmo a gostar, a aprovação deixou de ser o que me move, pois em vez de fazer musica que os outros gostem, faço musica que eu gosto, e dessa maneira as pessoas que gostarem sintirão algo mais quando a ouvirem, deixará de ser apenas notas soltas, passará a ser uma harmonia de sentimentos reflectidos.
Através da musica consigo mostrar as pessoas, se estou contente, com raiva ou hestericamente aceleradamente feliz, como quando entra "mangerico" no sistema circulatório... xD ou quando aqueles pessoas que realmente importam me dão uma palavra sincera de incentivo....... e principalmente quando veijo e sinto que a minha musica está a mexer com alguém...
è mágico pah..... é dread.... xD Só espero que nunca acabe.